September 19, 2022 - Utah Flight
Coral Sands, Zion, Escalante

I asked our friend at Kanab Airport where the Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park was.  I've been trying to find it from the air with no luck.  He said head west and make the first right around those big red rocks.

Passing to the south of the big red rocks on the right.

We headed north and sure enough Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park came into view.  I had been there on the ground back in 2018, sort of knew what to look for, and recognized it right away.
The Visitors Center and parking lots are on the left side.
This State Park allows motorized vehicles on the dunes.  I don't see any in this picture but they are probably down there somewhere.
The sand is also on the side of the ridge that runs alongside the park.

We continued heading northwest.  The tall, oval-shaped tops of Zion NP were pretty much in sight as soon as we took off from Kanab.

Here, we are looking west down Dennett Canyon and the East Fork of the Virgin River which heads into the south part of Zion NP.

Typical Zion NP scene.

Looking south down the main valley area of Zion National Park.  It sort of reminds me of Yosemite -- a narrow valley with tall rock mountains on each side.  That's the north fork of the Virgin River down there as well.
We continued west to check out the west side of the park.  Most people only see the main valley, but Zion is much bigger than that.  Really, the only way to see it is from the air.   In this respect, it's better than Yosemite.  But from the ground, I'd go with Yosemite.
Just flying around, looking at the magnificent scenery.
At the park's southern edge, the main valley widens and the park ends.  This area is where all the hotels and restaurants are.  It's very upscale, however.
It's hard to see but the Zion National Park Lodge is at lower right.
Then it was time to head for home.  We turned east north-east.  Bryce Canyon is visible at top center.
Passing a lodge of some sort in the middle of nowhere but with a fine view.
Badlands to the south.
Passing by our friend Barney Top to the north.
And Canaan Peak to the southeast.
We arrived back at Escalante in the middle of the afternoon and so had some time to kill.  Some cool Bud-Lites helped pass the time.
Mugsy decided he was going to cook burgers on the gas grill.
Mugsy grilling while Mark and I supervise.
We had an excellent dinner of cheeseburgers and beans.
The sunsets are pretty here at Escalante Airport.  Then more stars than you've ever seen come out at night.  It is so quiet that you can hear jet airliners pass overhead at 35,000 feet.